Is diet soda really meant for people on diets?


Did you know that your body actually gets confused by artificial sweeteners?

The dissociation between sweet taste and calorie intake may put the regulatory system that controls hunger and body weight out of sync, thus sabotaging weight loss plans. A study on rodents showed that those fed saccharin actually gained weight compared to rodents fed sucrose.

When you take in artificial sweeteners you’re making your taste buds less sensitive

Artificial sweeteners are a hundredfold sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). By getting ourselves used to so much sweet, normal sweet flavors, of fruit for example, become bland and so do other healthful foods such as grains and vegetables, thus reducing our willingness to consume them and ultimately the quality of our diet.

The long term effect are really aren’t clear yet

Even though there have been many studies on artificial sweeteners and disease such cancer, not a lot of the focused on long term weight gain. So really your taking in something that you don’t really what it could do to you.

Now you can decide with a little more information!

What should I eat to gain muscle?

Amino acids make up protein.
When you work your muscle and do heavy lifting your muscle tears.
When you rest your muscle heals itself and gets stronger.
Protein is the building block of that muscle.
So basically if your not getting enough protein you wont gain any muscle mass.

One trick I use to find your daily calorie need is to take in 1 gram every pound you weight
For example if your you weight 100 lbs take in 100g of protein through that day

Here are a list of foods with Protein info

1 cup of milk = 8 grams                                 
1 large boiled egg = 6 grams                   
1 ounce Swiss cheese = 8 grams                

3 ounce Salmon = 17 grams                       

1 cup Oatmeal = 6 grams                            

But not all Protein is the same!
Different proteins are absorbed in the body in different ways...

Chest Exercises


Lie straight on the floor with your toes on the floor. Keep your hands closer than your shoulder width. Lower your body until your chest is about to touch the floor. Now push your body back up and breathe out.


You will need cables for this exercise. Place them up higher above your head. Hold the handles in both hands and stand in between both pulleys and go a few steps forward. Extend your arms and slightly bend your elbows. When you begin the movement make sure only your shoulder moves, everything else should stay stationary. Bring both hand as close together as you can, keep the position for a few seconds and then bring them back while breathing out.


Hold two opposing low pulley stirrup attachments. Lie on the bench, in middle and perpendicular to both pulleys. Slightly bend elbows and internally rotate shoulders so elbows are back. Bring cables together in a hugging motion with elbows in fixed position and shoulders internally rotated so elbows are to sides. Return to starting position until slight stretch. Repeat.


Keep your arms straight with shoulders above hands. Bend knees and hips slightly. Lower body by bending arms allowing elbows to flare out to the sides. When slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulders push body up until arms are straight. These are similar to tricep dips but lean your chest forward to put pressure on your chest when you push up. Repeat.



How to become an Olympic gymnast

Even if your not an adult, in college, or have no skill whatsoever  YOU CAN DO IT!



Find a wall

For safety use a padded wall. 
Make sure you have plenty of room all around

Kick off

Stand a few feet away from the wall
Face the wall
Lift your arms up over your head
breathe out and tighten your abs to help
lunge forward and place your hands in front of you about a foot away from the wall
kick one leg up and then bring the other
use a spotter to help you get onto your hands

try to hold that position to strengthen your body so you will be able to do it without a wall
keep your back and stomach tight


Bend your arms
Tuck your head by bringing your chin to your chest
Roll forward


First choose which leg you want to do the split with.
Stretch your leg by touching toes.
Bend your right or left knee depending on which leg your doing the split with.
Put that foot flat on the floor.
Stretch the other leg back and keep it straight.
Make sure your back legs thigh is facing the floor.
Slowly slide your legs away from each other.
As your body gets closer to the ground your front leg should get straighter.
Try to go as down to the floor as you can.


First! u have to learn the form

Lie on the ground, on your back with your legs straight on the ground.
Now swing your arms back so they are straight behind your head but do not smack the ground.
Now bring your hip up and bring your knees to your chest.
Keep knees together up to your chest.
Point your toes.
Practice doing this form.
Practice the jump

Stand up straight with your back to a spotter
Bend your knees and keep your arms down and behind you
Swing your arms up and jump as high as you can while looking straight
Keep your arms straight  and you should jump up and slightly backward

Use a trampoline

Practice the technique on a trampoline while you get more height.
Use a coach to watch and help you follow through.

Tips on how to get the perfect abs!

Doing ab exercises is important but DIET IS JUST AS IMPORTANT! 

By doing ab exercises you will strengthen your abs but you may still have layers and layers of fat covering your ab muscles. And this can be reduced by exercising and eating food with less fat.


Eat breakfast! skipping break is actually a bad idea if you are trying to lose fat. because you don't eat breakfast your body will want to have a big meal for lunch or dinner.You do not need to eat a very large breakfast but even something simple like cereal or fruits.

Mid Back Exercises!

Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Row
Stand while holding the barbell. Make sure your palms are facing UP. Bend your knees and bring your torso forward and bend your waist while keeping your back STRAIGHT and keep it parallel to the floor. Keep your head UP at all times. Bring the barbell up straight while keeping your elbows close to your body. You should feel your back and try to hold it for a few seconds. Slowly bring down and repeat.

One Arm Dumbbell Row
Use a flat bench to keep one hand and/or knee on to help you stay balanced. Make sure your back is paralleled to the floor. Using the hand that is not on the bench hold a dumbbell and face your palms inward. Keep your elbows close to your side and bring the dumbbell up (breathe out). Contract your back for a few seconds and then bring down slowly.

Seated Cable Row
You will need a pulley machine and a v bar. Sit down and place your feet on the platform provided and keep your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight up and extend your arms completely as you reach the v bar.
Keeping your back straight pull the handles back. Your chest should be sticking out slight and your back in. Try to hold this contraction for a few seconds and then slowly bring down.

Upper Back Exercises!


These exercises can be done using cables, dumbbells, cables, a smith machine or even a band. Like any exercise make sure the rest of your body is kept still. Cheating your way through like using other parts of your body can seriously injure your body. They should be done in a slow and steady manner and you will achieve maximum results.

Barbell Shrug
Stand up straight and hold the dumbbells with hands. keep your hands a little wider than shoulder width. Begin by raising your shoulders as far up as they can go (breath out). Try to hold for a few seconds, bring back down. * This can be done using other methods for example barbell, cables.

Standing Upright Row

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a grip less than shoulder width. Keep your back straight and arm extended  at the starting point. Use the side of your shoulder to pull up the weight and continue to do so until it is under your chin. Try to keep it there for a few seconds and then bring down slowly.

Shoulder Exercises!

Sit down and the weights with your palms facing your face. Keep your elbows next to your sides. Slowly raise your elbows and rotate your palms so they no face the opposite direction. Continue to raise your arms as your elbows are bent at a 45 degree angle. Continue to raise them until they are completely extended. 


Begin with holding dumbbells in each hand. Lay flat on the bench with your chest down. Keep your arms extended at shoulder height. Slowly lower the dumbbells keeping your arm extended. After your arm is perpendicular to the ground slowly raise to the starting position.

This should be performed on a military press for safety reasons. Keep the bar at above shoulder level and keep your grip slightly wider than you shoulder width. Slowly raise the bar above your head and make sure it not directly over your head, it should be slight in front of it. Bring back down. Repeat 8 to 12 times. 

Tricep Exercises!

Hold the cable handle, facing your palm up. Start with keeping your elbow by your side and have your hand under your chin. Keep your elbow in the same position and extend your arm down (tricep contracts). After your arm is fully extended, bring up slowly.

Hold the weights in either your right or left hand and bend until your torso is at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your back is always straight, do not bend it. Bend your elbow at a 45 degree angle (starting position shown above). Begin to move your forearm up to straighten your arm until your arm is completely contracted (halfway position show above). Slowly bring your arm back down and repeat 8 to 10 times.

Hold the weight from one end using both hands, make sure you have a good grip. Hold the weight straight above your head with your arms next to your ears. Lower the weight until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Now begin to bring the weight back up and your triceps will contract.

Tricep One-Arm ExtensionTricep One-Arm Extension
Begin with holding a dumbbell over your head with your arm straight. Lower you dumbbell behind your neck, with only moving at your elbow. Bring your forearm back up (tricep contracts).

Sit on a bench and keep your hands stable on the bench. For a more advanced workout place your legs on another bench. Slowly lift your hip and bring forward. Bend your elbows until they are bent at 45 degrees. Do not lock your elbows and then bring your hips back up.


Stand with your fee shoulder width apart, keep your back straight. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and keep your palms facing up. Raise the dumbbell over your head. Try to keep your elbows as close to you as you can and lower the dumbbells in an arc behind your head. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Bicep Exercises!


These are some of the common exercises I do.


Stand up stright with a dumbbell in each hand (do not use weight you cannt do atleast 10 reps with). Keep your upper arm still and curl one arm up (breathe out). Keeping evrything else still make sure your arm is completely contracted. Slowly bring the dumbbell down (breathe in). Do about 8 to 10 rep.


Sit on an incline bench with a dumbell on each arm. Keep your upper arm still and pull the dumbells up while contracting your bicep (breathe out). Make sure your palm faces up. Continue untill bicep is completely contracted. Hold for  few seconds. Bring dumbell down (breathe in). Repeat with other arm.


Stand up straight and hold the barbell, widening your grip to match your shoulders. Your palms should always face up! Curl the barbell until your biceps completely contracts (breathe out). Hold the barbell for a few seconds and then slowly bring down (breathe in).


Overhead Cable Curl - Step 1Overhead Cable Curl - Step 2

Hold a pulley cable from each side. Grip with your hands facing up and stand with your fee shoulder width apart. Extend arms fully. Keep your elbows steady and curl your wrist forward towards your head. Contract your bicep and hold for a few seconds. Release and repeat 8 to 12 times.



    Ab exercises!


    When you start abs you have to keep in mind that you must do cardio in addition to abs. This post has just started so please feel free to list out any ab exercises and how they are done. Email and I will add to this post! :)

    I know there are a lot of machines that claim to help you on a greater level but here are exercises that have been around and are known to help.

    Lie on your back and keep your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head. Slowly contract your abs and bring your head and shoulders upward. Exhale and try to hold for a few seconds. Slowly come down.

    lay on your back and raise your legs. Move your legs as you would while riding a bike. Touch your knee with the opposite elbow and alternate.

    Use an exercise ball and lay on it. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your thighs are parallel to the floor. This will work your obliques if done properly.

    Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep yout hands on the floor. Slowly bring up your knees towards your chest and keep it at 90 degrees. Bring them back down and repeat.



    Hold the ab roller with both hands and kneel on the floor. Place the ab roller on the floor in front of you with your arms extended down. Roll the ab roller forward and stretch your body without your body touching the floor. Try to hold the position for a few seconds and then bring your body back to the starting position.