Mid Back Exercises!

Reverse Grip Bent Over Barbell Row
Stand while holding the barbell. Make sure your palms are facing UP. Bend your knees and bring your torso forward and bend your waist while keeping your back STRAIGHT and keep it parallel to the floor. Keep your head UP at all times. Bring the barbell up straight while keeping your elbows close to your body. You should feel your back and try to hold it for a few seconds. Slowly bring down and repeat.

One Arm Dumbbell Row
Use a flat bench to keep one hand and/or knee on to help you stay balanced. Make sure your back is paralleled to the floor. Using the hand that is not on the bench hold a dumbbell and face your palms inward. Keep your elbows close to your side and bring the dumbbell up (breathe out). Contract your back for a few seconds and then bring down slowly.

Seated Cable Row
You will need a pulley machine and a v bar. Sit down and place your feet on the platform provided and keep your knees slightly bent. Keep your back straight up and extend your arms completely as you reach the v bar.
Keeping your back straight pull the handles back. Your chest should be sticking out slight and your back in. Try to hold this contraction for a few seconds and then slowly bring down.

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